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Brewery equipment open for bids

Jun 15, 2020

Rockingham Community College is accepting bids on several pieces of brewery equipment, now that the Brewery Science degree program has been discontinued. The RCC Board of Trustees Executive Committee voted on June 15 to offer the following items for bid:

Five (5) 1/6 barrel ball lock stainless steel kegs (used)

Minimum bid: $20

Four (4) 1/2 barrel stainless steel kegs (used)

Minimum bid: $20

Blichmann burner (propane) with 10 gallon kettle

Minimum bid: $5

Stainless steel sink. Measures 8’6” long and 27” wide. Three bays with faucets included.

Minimum bid: $100

Brew-Magic V350 MS System (10 gallon). Purchased new in 2015 for $9,436. Includes Flow Glycol Chiller.

Minimum bid: $500

Solid wood bar. Measures 26’7” long. Majority of bar (over 17’) is 24” wide. Handcrafted by the RCC Woodworking Department. Approximately 4’ high.

Minimum bid: $100

Bids will be accepted through 10 a.m. on Thursday, June 25, 2020. Bids received after that time will not be considered. All sales are final. Payment and pickup of purchased items is required no later than noon on Monday, June 29, 2020, from RCC’s Brewery Science building in Eden, North Carolina.

Winning bidders will be notified for payment (no personal checks) and must arrange pickup times during these days/times:

Thursday, June 25, 11 a.m. – 3 p.m.

Friday, June 26, 9 a.m. – noon

Monday, June 29, 9 a.m. – noon

Bids must be sealed and delivered by mail or in person to:

Pam Boothe-Wilson

Rockingham Community College

P.O. Box 38

Wentworth, NC 27375

For more information on any of the items, contact Pam Boothe-Wilson, purchasing officer, at 336-342-4261 ext. 2199 or boothep1884@rockinghamcc.edu.


Rockingham Community College
PO Box 38
215 Wrenn Memorial Rd.
Wentworth, NC 27375


Monday to Thursday:
8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am – 3:00 pm


336-349-9986 (fax)